Registration of representation
Any project starts with planning. In order to achieve the best result one needs to determine the main goals and calculate all possible risks, and divide the whole project into several stages. Therefore the business plan is one of the key stages of company or project development.
Business plan helps for the efficient allocation of time and energy, and helps highlight the key points and divorce the major issues from the minor. Business plan is especially important if you expect to draw the attention of the potential investors to your business. No investor will be willing to invest in a project without a detailed plan which demonstrates the return on investment in the future. Our task is to help You persuade the investors that You are assured of future profit and quick return on investment, and that You know how to achieve these goals..
We offer our help in creating a business plan which includes:
- the analysis and the forecast of market situation;
- the specification of major and minor company tasks;
- the competent distribution of company’s financial flows;
- the risk estimation;
- the estimation of the marketability of your goods and services and the consulting advice on how to improve the marketability;
- the arrangement or the correction of marketing policy;
- the development of effective company strategy;
- the analysis of the effectiveness of human resources management
We conduct: the maintenance of accounting records
The development of business plan will help you plan effective advertising events, estimate the upcoming financial expenditures and facilitate company management. A master business plan helps feel securely about company’s future and minimizes the risk to encounter unpleasant situations or the risk to make unweighted decisions.
It is impossible to create a business plan without describing company’s advantages and successes. By taking the task to create company business plan we analyze all of your business characteristics carefully and examine all business lines of the company. As a result the estimates and the recommendations made by our experts are always extremely useful and capable of being implemented.
The cleverest decision would be to trust the experts with the development of Your future business plan. Our professionals will create the business plan which accounts for all the features of current market situation, and they will compare these features with the exact characteristics of your business.
Do you need the advice on developing business-plan in Minsk? ? «HolamovaCenter» - is the quality for reasonable price.
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- by phone: +375 29 380-83-85 or +375 17 547-18-65
- on Viber: +375 29 607-89-02
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Also for communication you can use the form being below. Our employees will answer you within 24 hours.

Аудиторская проверка и подготовка аудиторского заключения
Создание многочисленных частных фирм, кооперативов, предприятий, обусловленное переходом к рыночным отношениям, существенно изменило методы контроля предпринимательской деятельности со стороны государства. Сегодня предприятия осуществляют свою хозяйственную деятельность без влияния какого-либо государственного плана, без указаний со стороны министерств и ведомств, что делает их абсолютно самостоятельными субъектами.
Holamova Center – Правовое сопровождение Вашей компании наша забота
В организации, занимающейся бизнесом, может не быть постоянного юриста, либо штатный сотрудник не будет справляться с большим объемом работ. Наша компания оказывает услуги по оказанию правового сопровождения. Нельзя недооценивать важность грамотного ответа на юридические вопросы, ведь именно от них зависит как долгосрочное развитие компании, так и успешное завершение крупных сделок и проектов.