HolamovaCenter provides national and foreign companies who are establishing or conducting their business in Belarus with legal advice. We provide company registration services and support company record maintenance; these services are included in the service package offered by HolamovaCenter
Our large experience in auditing helped us define certain issues with normally go unattended by company management when examining the economic activities of their business. For example, while conducting the examination of company business activities quite often our professionals encounter the situations caused by the use of so called “standardized” agreements. Another striking example is the errors made while setting and executing foreign trade transactions: the violation of maturity dates, the absence of the documents which allow for the extension of the maturity dates. Very little attention is paid to staff records management: personal recordkeeping and the composition of the documents included in personal records. Company registration requires special legal attention. When offering the legal services to our clients we at HolamovaCenter account for all these conventional errors and prevent their occurrence.
Certainly the process of registration of any economic enterprise includes a number of important stages which include the selection of the legal status, the coordination of company’s name, the establishment of authorized capital, the forwarding of all the documents to the registration authorities, the opening of the settlement account, etc.
Therefore this important step should be made with the help of professional experts.
HolamovaCenter will help You register Your company in full compliance with Your intensions and in compliance with the current Belarussian legislation.
Moreover HolamovaCenter offers legal services in debt recovery through legal proceedings, the representation of company’s interests in commercial and arbitration courts, in the preparation of agreements and other documents which are required to conduct business activities.
Moreover, HolamovaCenter provides legal services on subscription basis. Therefore, we may provide You with verbal or written legal consulting advice and help analyze and prepare the documents on a permanent basis.
Company HolamovaCenter offers its legal services starting from 2010. Our distinguished reputation and our experience in working with a large number of clients help us solve the issues of any degree of complexity. Legal consulting advice in Minsk is provided by true professionals.
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- by phone: +375 29 380-83-85 or +375 17 547-18-65
- on Viber: +375 29 607-89-02
- by e-mail: info@holamova.by
Also for communication you can use the form being below. Our employees will answer you within 24 hours.

Аудиторская проверка и подготовка аудиторского заключения
Создание многочисленных частных фирм, кооперативов, предприятий, обусловленное переходом к рыночным отношениям, существенно изменило методы контроля предпринимательской деятельности со стороны государства. Сегодня предприятия осуществляют свою хозяйственную деятельность без влияния какого-либо государственного плана, без указаний со стороны министерств и ведомств, что делает их абсолютно самостоятельными субъектами.
Holamova Center – Правовое сопровождение Вашей компании наша забота
В организации, занимающейся бизнесом, может не быть постоянного юриста, либо штатный сотрудник не будет справляться с большим объемом работ. Наша компания оказывает услуги по оказанию правового сопровождения. Нельзя недооценивать важность грамотного ответа на юридические вопросы, ведь именно от них зависит как долгосрочное развитие компании, так и успешное завершение крупных сделок и проектов.