The market economy is constantly changing and it constantly generates new challenges. Even the chief accountant may face certain difficult situations which he or she never had before. It happens quite frequently in small companies which do not keep large accounting departments and sometimes have only one accountant.
At the same time even the larger companies cannot be sure that they will not encounter problematic or controversial issues. The finances and the taxes have low tolerance for trial and error. The most productive decision in a difficult situation is to obtain financial advice. The company may obtain single financial advice for a certain question or the company may order constant consulting support from a consulting company.
If you do not wish for your management to be random, to leave your business unattended or employ questionable financial schemes (with inevitable sad outcomes), then experienced experts of HolamovaCenter are always willing to help you. We are prepared to give you consulting advice regarding certain current operations and consulting advice regarding the current activities of your company.
The consulting services in accounting are provided by a team of professionals with large practical experience. They will help resolve any difficulties in a quick manner which arise in your business activities, they will save your time and money, and they will develop the effective working methods for you.
We conduct: the maintenance of accounting records
The taxation advice is even more helpful. Our professionals will help you select the most beneficial and rational taxation regime, will familiarize you with the tax legislation and will help you resolve the conflict issues with the tax authorities.
The accounting and tax issues do not tolerate amateurs and swindlers. If you have any doubts with respect to the expert knowledge or the integrity of the persons working with your finances, then refer to unbiased and qualified experts.
We have been operating in accounting and audit market for a number of years, and our clients trust and appreciate us.
Company Holamov Center is your reliable financial consultant in Minsk
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Аудиторская проверка и подготовка аудиторского заключения
Создание многочисленных частных фирм, кооперативов, предприятий, обусловленное переходом к рыночным отношениям, существенно изменило методы контроля предпринимательской деятельности со стороны государства. Сегодня предприятия осуществляют свою хозяйственную деятельность без влияния какого-либо государственного плана, без указаний со стороны министерств и ведомств, что делает их абсолютно самостоятельными субъектами.
Holamova Center – Правовое сопровождение Вашей компании наша забота
В организации, занимающейся бизнесом, может не быть постоянного юриста, либо штатный сотрудник не будет справляться с большим объемом работ. Наша компания оказывает услуги по оказанию правового сопровождения. Нельзя недооценивать важность грамотного ответа на юридические вопросы, ведь именно от них зависит как долгосрочное развитие компании, так и успешное завершение крупных сделок и проектов.